We offer counselling which is free and anonymous and concerns all issues in life that are important to you. Whether leisure, love, friendship, sexuality or family – you can talk to us about anything.

You are also welcome to bring a friend or someone you trust with you.
We advise, accompany and support you over a longer period of time.
- Partnership, sexuality, contraception and pregnancy
- Eating disorders
- Physical and emotional violence
- Difficulties with friends and family
- Bullying in school, at work
- Self-confidence: You don’t have to please others, you have to please yourself!
- Life and everyday life: You decide who you want to be!
- Self-defense: No means no!
- Advice and support on dealing with grief
Contact person:
We also offer counselling with an interpreter. However, first language interpreters are not always available.
You don’t know what you want to do for a living?
You don’t know what jobs are available and where you can find them?
Do you need help with writing applications?
We accompany you on your way into your professional future.
We advise you in your decision for a certain profession.
We support you in your search for an apprenticeship or job.

In EqualiZ we offer different programmes which should help you in choosing a career:
- courses
- individual advice in Klagenfurt, Villach, Wolfsberg, Völkermarkt, Feldkirchen, Spittal / Drau, St. Veit / Glan
- workshops
- and much more
Sign up at:
We spend your free time with you. Come over.

Just come over and bring your friends with you!
You don’t have to register for the girls’* club. Our offers are free of charge.
We cook with you, help you with homework, play and learn together with you…
Our contact:
We are a colourful and diverse team with a feminist attitude.
Many people with different qualifications work at EqualiZ – psychologists, pedagogues, cultural scientists, teachers, …
We have a feminist attitude and stand up for our target groups.
We are committed to equality and diversity.
We are active in women*’s politics and raise important issues in public.
Get in touch with us!
Our opening hours:
Mo – Do 9:00 – 15:00 Uhr & Fr 9:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Mädchen*treff: Di, Mi, Do, Fr 13:30 – 17:30 Uhr
Queer*treff: jeden 1. Di im Monat 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr
ALLY Sprechstunde: jeden 1. Di im Monat 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr (Standort Klagenfurt) & jeden 3. Di im Monat 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr (Standort Villach)
Angebote außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten findest du auf unserer Homepage
You can reach us:
Standort Klagenfurt
Karfreitstraße 8 | 9020 Klagenfurt
Standort Villach
Kaiser-Josef-Platz 6 | 9500 Villach
* We use the asterisk in some places. For us, the * signifies openness in relation to diverse gender identities and your very unique way of life. We at EqualiZ are diverse together!
